# ########################################## # https://osp4diss.vlsm.org/ETC/logCodes.txt # ########################################## # # Log Format # ZCZC WEEK# MINUTES LogCode Description # LogCode + Description List ZCZC W00 15 L00 Setting up W00 github ZCZC W00 80 L10 Making notes during my reading for Assignment #5 in Week 00 ZCZC W00 90 L01 Taking notes on the PowerPoint slides of Week 00 ZCZC W00 60 L11 Setting up Google Cloud Platform ZCZC W01 120 L70 Learning new data structure and how to implement it ZCZC W01 65 L05 Studying for quiz 1 ZCZC W01 40 L11 Reading assignment one and discussing how to do it on google cloud platform ZCZC W01 70 L11 Reading the given resources from Assignment #2 ZCZC W01 100 L11 Finishing assignment week one with assistance of a friend and following the provided instruction ZCZC W02 90 L98 Studying algorithm ZCZC W02 100 L05 Studying for OS QUIZ ZCZC W02 50 L12 Trying to understand Assignment #2 ZCZC W02 125 L12 Doing Assignment #2 (myscript.sh Not finished) ZCZC W03 70 L13 Handling error on google cloud platform ZCZC W03 100 L13 Attending a meeting with Teaching assistant on the problem ZCZC W03 120 L13 Restarting Assignment from week 0 to week 2 ZCZC W03 140 L13 Doing assignment 3 ZCZC W03 70 L05 Studying for Quiz 3 ZCZC W04 45 L14 Reading The slide in assignment 1 ZCZC W04 135 L14 Doing Week04 assignment 1 & 2 ZCZC W04 120 L14 Doing PopQuiz 1 & 2 ZCZC W04 85 L05 Studying for Quiz 4 ZCZC W05 105 L15 Reading the slide provided in assignment 1 ZCZC W05 150 L15 Doing Assignment 5 ZCZC W05 130 L15 Doing PopQuiz 1, 2, and 3 ZCZC W05 50 L05 Studying for Quiz 5 ZCZC W06 100 L16 Reading the provided slide in assignment 1 ZCZC W06 135 L16 Doing Assignment Week 06 ZCZC W06 120 L16 Doing PopQuiz 1, 2, and 3 ZCZC W06 90 L05 Studying for Quiz 6 ZCZC W07 110 L17 Reading the provided slide in assignment 1 ZCZC W07 100 L17 Doing Assignment Week 7 ZCZC W07 140 L17 Doing PopQuiz 1 and 2 ZCZC W07 105 L05 Studying for Quiz 7 ZCZC W07 65 L17 Fixing problem regarding locale ZCZC W08 100 L18 Reading the provided slide in assignment 1 ZCZC W08 70 L18 Trying previous final problem in assignment 1 ZCZC W08 170 L18 Doing Assignment Week 8 ZCZC W08 45 L05 Studying for Quiz 8